Monday, September 6, 2010

I know the Dude

Yeah I said it. I think I know the Dude. The Miami Dude at least. This Dude is a good friend of mine. After watching the movie, it became so clear to me. My friend Andy is the Dude. Everything in his life has worked out for him despite the fact that he puts forth minimal effort. In no way is this an insult. He is a little less lax then the actual Dude I have to admit. But this guy is the Executive Producer of shows on UMTV and makes it look like cake because, from the outside, it looks like he never does much. He's a Senior here at UM and is graduating a semester early with A LOT of experience and several internships including one at NBC studios. There are however several LARGE differences between Andy and the Dude. They include: looking like a modern Jesus, wanting to be in a committed relationship, being obsessed with bowling, having a "Big" richer person with the same exact name, and having an obsession with "White Russians." Aside from those factors, Andy is the Dude. I told Andy he was the Dude last Thursday right after class. Andy is a film buff and he wasn't offended in the least bit seeing as the Dude is basically his role model. I had no idea that Andy almost lived his life and approached tasks as nonchalantly as he does to be more like the Dude. You learn something new (even about your closest friends) everyday. Looks like the Miami Dude will and has gotten by with minimal effort just like the L.A. Dude from the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Kati, you may be right. Minimal effort is certainly a key factor to being like the Dude. It makes me wonder why people aspire to be like him. Why is he "the man for his time and place"?
