Sunday, September 5, 2010


Every time when I open a text book for English course, I need to take a deep breath beforehand. Just as expected, the process was tough. As the picture on the left shows, the blue parts are Chinese translations of the words I got from Google Dictionary. Actually, I was reluctant to do so for looking words up in dictionary may slow down my reading a lot while those separated translations of words don't seem to help understanding. So I tried to combine the movie we watched in class with the COMENTALE AND JAFFE. I finally came to catch on the scenes in the movie. But everything still seems obsecure to me, I don't see why the Dude was involved in the kidnap of Big Lebowski's wife, why those marmots showed up, why Walter is always so violent, and why Dunny would die in a sudden. Too many questions arose in my mind. So I log on Youtube to search for the movie The Big Lebowski in Chinese version, but failed, only found a advertising vedio for the film which is full of F-word and just F-word. So if someone can describe the whole story to me, I'll be extremely grateful. But I learned the style of Dude from the movie. He's a slacker, always so relaxed, drinking alcohols, driving a broken cab. slackers in China would never 'enjoy' life like this. Dude's house can hold a bourgeois family in China. I see the point why Dude laid back as long as he can enjoy the bowling, bathtub and alcohols. Then I turn to the book Rewriting, I read it much faster than COMENTALE AND JAFFE. Although it seems like a dreary math instruction book, it presented a clear development of ideas. Hope that I can solve my confusions soon!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yini, you are not alone. The movie is kind of confusing, and the plot makes very little sense at points. But, I think you're also on to something fascinating that we should all discuss sometime--how much of this movie is specific to U.S. ideas/humor/culture?
